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Poza: CX-7 Kesselman 4

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5 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

It's my opinion we a
Scris de Suyapa pe 26-10-2015 23:18

It's my opinion we are going to see anheotr wave of foreclosures here in BC, and across Canada because of this. Far too many flooded the housing market a few years ago buying with no money down in some cases who should never have been allowed to purchase homes,and those tend to be the same people getting into a world of consumer debt. Banks never ever should have allowed this to happen I was shaking my head at the time to see some of the ads out there for homes for sale. Banks are being so careful right now with new purchasers and examining assets harder than ever. In speaking to a friend who is a mortgage broker, he mentioned many banks are looking at things like depreciation reports,financial plans for strata purchases that they never would have worried about before, but they are looking to protect their interest. Same for homes, valuations etc for people renegotiating mortgages. The upside if there is one, is that some of the interest rates out there for mortages right now are considerably lower than 4 years ago, so if your are ready to look for a new mortgage you can save nearly a full percentage point in some cases, taking years off your debt. [url=]exxokdbtv[/url] [link=]fopfcvhqlcf[/link]
they are sending out
Scris de Wonjin pe 25-10-2015 11:32

they are sending out a lot of qrrtaeuly 50-odd dollar rebate cheques to low income "voters" in the form of HST rebates....that is a large amount of work that makes this simpler tax, maybe not so simple.Listening to the broadcast.....hope the HST wave is stopped in BC.This tax was brought in by the most corrupt government ever....and we have not had any justice for all the other wrong-doings. I would like to trust our leaders at some point, and the people i trust are saying to vote yes to extinguish this tax.
Words from another:G
Scris de Danii pe 25-10-2015 03:09

Words from another:Gordon's rtgnsiaeion was a last ditch effort to save the HST, forget the Liberal party; it was all about saving the HST. Under Christy they would have a chance to bamboozle the public by spending millions of your tax dollars to tell you the bad evil demons of the past are gone, now we have a loving caring single mother who thinks of Families First and in doing so HST must become the first priority.Forget RailGate, forget Enbridge, forget BC Hydro, forget the BC Ferry fiasco, forget the close to 1000 schools that we closed, forget the struggling Medicare system, forget the not yet publicized Sea to Sky Highways scandal, forget Norwegian Fish Farms, forget sea lice, forget giving away our rivers to IPP's, forget the mega millions we wasted on the Olympics, like we had a multi billion dollar surplus.Campbell wanted the HST so badly that he gave up his job in an effort to save it. HST is such an incredibly sweet deal for his friends in business.Gordon Campbell will go down in history as the worst ever Premier of British Columbia in regards to miss management of our tax payer money and in a desperate attempt to hide the damage agreed to sell out the citizens of British Columbia, in an effort to hide that enormous deficit, mostly caused by deals given to his own business friends.Keeping the dirtiest of all Liberals on board as the finance minister, the master mind of dismantling British Columbia and clone of Gordon Campbell is proof enough nothing has changed other than they have upped the game of Lies, Deceit, and outright Cheating. [url=]gbvueu[/url] [link=]ljgtyqwb[/link]
As someone once
Scris de Abhijit pe 23-10-2015 13:59

As someone once cememntod before, that if both Michael and Gordon Campbell had followed in their father's footsteps, BC would be a much better place than it is now.
I think that I have
Scris de Giang pe 22-10-2015 13:37

I think that I have a counter study to offer Mr. Mintz and any of the other jscakases you mentioned in this article.My study, which I present with no outlandish projectionsis, is as follows. Instead of our provincial and federal governments creating more and more different ways of emptying our wallets under the guise of looking after our best interests, why don't they just tax income in a fair and equitable manner. That would entail less bureaucracy and staffing to only have to manage one type of tax. And no special rates for capital gains or dividends. A buck earned is a buck earned, and all bucks are created and treated equally.I understand that would mean that income taxes would increase for everyone, but at least we would all be treated equally instead of the divide and conquer method employed now.

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