Putem afirma, cu siguranta, ca Opel Astra este una dintre cele mai interesante masini din clasa ei. Totusi, Astra este inferioara colegelor sale de clasa dintr-un singur punct de vedere. Corectie, a fost inferioara! Intra in scena Astra OPC.
Germanii au ajuns la concluzia ca micuta lor masina are nevoie de ceva imbunatatiri daca vrea sa ajunga la acelasi nivel cu celelalte hot hatchback-uri din clasa compacta. Drept urmare, noul Astra OPC beneficiaza de un motor turbo de 2.0 L capabil sa dezvolte 277 CP si 400 Nm. Gratie acestor imbunatatiri, acul vitezometrului va avea nevoie de 6.0 secunde pentru a ajunge de la 0 la 100 km/h si se va opri la viteza maxima de 250 km/h.
Datorita faptului ca Astra OPC beneficiaza de tractiune pe fata, germanii au echipat masina cu un diferential cu alunecare limitata si au imprumutat sistemul de suspensie HiPer Struts de la Insignia pentru a se asigura ca nu vei avea parte de surprize neplacute atunci cand o sa vrei sa te lauzi cu noua ta achizitie in fata prietenilor tai.
In ceea ce priveste dotarile, Astra OPc va fi echipata, printre altele, cu un sistem de navigatie Navi 600, un sistem de climatizare bi-zonal si jante din aliaj de 19 inch. Pentru a beneficia de toate aceste dotari, va trebui sa platesti 34.250 euro.
User generated cotnn Scris de Enrique pe 26-10-2015 23:16
User generated cotnnet is overrated. I do not believe Stomp is worth the news lead alone.SPH has incentive to push for an online channel for ads. Online ads is getting bigger and bigger. So far SPH do not have a publication that reaches the young with strong buying power. A group that many advertisers are trying to reach.With the media muscle of SPH, launching such a site and generating the reach is so much cheaper. http://uueiqdriu.com [url=http://easxuftk.com]easxuftk[/url] [link=http://ispqemzg.com]ispqemzg[/link]
User generated Scris de Roony pe 25-10-2015 11:30
User generated cotnent is overrated. I do not believe Stomp is worth the news lead alone.SPH has incentive to push for an online channel for ads. Online ads is getting bigger and bigger. So far SPH do not have a publication that reaches the young with strong buying power. A group that many advertisers are trying to reach.With the media muscle of SPH, launching such a site and generating the reach is so much cheaper.
It's just screwy tha Scris de Marilyn pe 25-10-2015 03:08
It's just screwy that the dietsrivy of body options in a model is so rare. Thinking back to the Corolla lines in the 1970 s, there was a 4-door sedan, 2 door sedan, wagon, hard top (!), Sports Coupe, Liftback Six bodys in one model. Unfathomable today- but Opel has at least the top three- and it's a killer lineup. Each style is precisely rendered, chic, concise and premium looking. There's no reason this car couldn t re-enter the US market on its' own upscale marketing and do very well. Especially the coupe with that dreamy, indecent roof- the ideas are mounting http://tducdxqcfaa.com [url=http://dsxqtoy.com]dsxqtoy[/url] [link=http://pkenrivtcmf.com]pkenrivtcmf[/link]
Heya!I am just on th Scris de Marie pe 23-10-2015 13:57
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The Ford ST sounds b Scris de Sara pe 22-10-2015 12:13
The Ford ST sounds beettr than the new Dodge Viper, and as a practical daily driver I'd buy it over the others any day, my only reservation is the electronic steering. The Renault is a true driver's car, and the Opel just has more balls, and looks the best, at least in other colors than the one shown here.It seems that all those years of racing, Road as well as dragstrip design, have lead to technology that has virtually done away with the issue of torque steer in high output front wheel drive vehicles. Now they are nearly as competent overall as many of the all-wheel drive vehicles on the road. I'm beginning to rethink my position on the Ford RS.
Ca tot ne bucuram noi astazi de un inceput de primavara, iata ca prevestitorii acesteia sosesc inaintea ei – eu o asteptam de cand s-a lansat versiunea coupe – in [ continuare ... ]
L-am tot vazut, in poze, pe internet, in desene si concepte. Am auzit de el, dar nu l-am vazut in “carne si oase”. Iata ca, in sfarsit conceptul electric al [ continuare ... ]
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McLaren si-a anuntat prezenta in cadrul Salonului Auto de la Paris, aducand dupa el un nou model in palmaresul companiei britanice.
Detaliile sunt zero, singurul [ continuare ... ]
Suedezii de la Volvo planuiesc sa detroneze reginele BMW M3 si Mercedes C63 AMG din topul masinilor de inalta performanta care nu costa cat o casa de vacanta la Monaco. [ continuare ... ]
McLaren. P1. Am vazut-o in premiera la Paris, am fost acolo cand valul i-a cazut de pe fata, cand si-a deschis ochii si ne-a zambit, unei sali pline ochi de jurnalisti [ continuare ... ]
Dodge a lansat oficial productia noului Viper SRT, care insa se incapataneaza sa sara peste piata Europeana. Da, exact, s-a indragostit atat de tare de continentul [ continuare ... ]
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Daca simti un miros urat in masina apeleaza la serviciul de igienizare a instalatiei de aer conditionat auto! Preturi de la 49 lei / masina!
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Nemtii de la Sport Auto au pus mana pe editia limitata Audi A1 Quattro si si-au facut de cap cu ea. Si nu oricum, ci la 257 km/h...
Limitat la doar 333 de exemplare, [ continuare ... ]