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Paris 2012: McLaren lanseaza P1

Scris de Magos pe 21-09-2012

McLaren P1Va amintiti ca vi l-am prezentat saptamana trecuta sub forma unui teaser - McLaren P1 se lasa vazut, cu fix o saptamana inainte de lansarea oficiala, in cadrul Salonului Auto de la Paris.

Pregatit parca sa defileze pe podiumul parizian, noul supercar al britanicilor prezinta ultima generatie de supercars, asa cum ar trebui sa arate ele in ziua de astazi. Sobru, sportiv in acelasi timp, cu linii puternice si o culoare tocmai potrivita sa il scoata in evidenta, noul P1 se anunta a fii un pion destul de important in strategia McLaren.

Daca imaginea impusa de P1 ne duce cu gandul la sora mai mare a acestuia - MP4-12C, detaliile tehnice ne lasa sa ne dorim mai mult, parca. Contrastul puternic intre culoarea portocalie si negrul carbon, fata masinii este desenata in asa fel incat sa ne lase impresa ca zambeste, iar spatele este, parca, desprins din SF-uri.

McLaren P1-2

Anthony Sheriff, directorul general al McLaren, a declarat ca doreste sa transforme P1 in cel-mai-cel supercar construit vreodata - cel mai atractiv, capabil, ce benficiaza de o tehnologie avansata si o dinamica perfecta.

La nivel tehnic, detaliile nu au fost inca dezvaluite, insa se zvoneste cum ca micul P1 este mult peste

McLaren P1-3

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11 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

Scris de Mobile Application pe 05-10-2021 07:19

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I'm thankful that my
Scris de Daniela pe 27-11-2015 13:31

I'm thankful that my hubnasd is alive and doing well-he almost died in 2010.I'm thankful that my niece and nephews are all healthy and safe and doing well.I'm grateful for the wonderful colleagues that I work with like Lorrie and many others.I'm grateful that I get to be creative and help people come up with awesome titles and ebooks and share their amazing messages with the world.I'm grateful I can see and walk and read and dance and sing.Thanks for sharing Frank! [url=]ndgpraje[/url] [link=]zuufcnv[/link]
By Aure9lien 24 sept
Scris de Maria pe 26-11-2015 00:53

By Aure9lien 24 septembre 2010 - 11:40 Bonjour e0 vous !De9sole9 je n'ai tjurouos pas internet ! ! !Merci Ode de demander de mes nouvelles ^^Malheureusement j'ai du tirer une croix sur les e9coles qui, pour le coup sont vraiment des . !Maintenant je cherche du travail et e7a n'a pas l'aire d'eatre beaucoup mieux ^^En ce qui concerne la F1, j'espe8re que cette fin de saison va eatre e0 l'avantage de notre e9quipe, meame si je me re9signe de plus en plus Ca fait tellement longtemps que j'attend ce titre constructeur en vain Enfin bref, nous verrons bien de8s samedi les nouvelles e9volutions sur la monoplace !Merci pour le nombre de moteurs ! Je ne sais pas si ca va jouer un rf4le de9terminant ? A moins que !On peux tjurouos voir un accident, ou une avarie soudaine !A voir ! ! ! !J'espe8re pouvoir re9cupe9rer internet tre8s vite ! ! ! !A tre8s bientf4t j'espe8re !!!!!!!!++++++++++++++
By Mister E. 28 sept
Scris de Erkan pe 23-11-2015 20:04

By Mister E. 28 septembre 2010 - 10:39 Pas d'articles sur Singapour? Tant pis, je daiirs tout ici! En ce qui concerne le fait de feater l'abandon d'un adversaire, je crois que tout le monde le fait, McLaren aussi, c'est certes peu fair-play, mais c'est naturel, l'humain se libe8re d'une certaine tension. Newey n'exultait pas en 1998 quand Schumacher a creve9 un pneu au japon, ce qui l'envoya dans le mur e0 250km/h Pour la course, bah ennuyeuse aux avants postes puisque Vettel n'eut jamais l'occasion de doubler Alonso, donc comme par le passe9, une fois le de9part donne9 et les arreats fait: RIEN!Personnellement, en voyant les images j'aurai donne9 une pe9nalite9 e0 Webber ce qui en passant aurait e9te9 plus que mieux pour le championnat puisque tout les pilotes se seraient tenus en 11 points! Dans le meame temps, Schumacher aurait eu la sienne aussi pour son agression contre Heidfeld.Jolie course de Kubica mal re9compense9e et de Glock tre8s bon avec sa Virgin puisqu'il fut si difficile e0 de9passer avec une voiture tre8s tre8s lente tout de meame.Mais pour McLaren, je m'inquie9terai de leur rythme en course Car quand les deux de9chaine9s de devant claquaient des 1'51, les deux anglais restaient plafonne9s e0 1'53'5 1'54 ce qui les laissaient aussi rapides que Rosberg et Kubica. Inquie9tant, non?Dernier point, je suis ravi que Kovalainen ai enfin trouve9 son ve9ritable ge9nie: commissaire/pompier. [url=]zhxuysjgemq[/url] [link=]jrezqhbreh[/link]
Hey hey hey.I must s
Scris de Nurlaely pe 22-11-2015 09:35

Hey hey hey.I must say that I only enjoyed McLaren on CNN. I rlealy have even more respect for him. It's too bad he didn't get asked more question. Instead Larry tended to focus on Frankenstein/Rapture boy and his wife (LaHaye and Co.). What rlealy upset me is first how dumb LaHaye was. I know that's critical/judgmental but he was asked basic questions re: church state that he and his wife floundered embarassingly. They should have known or they should have never accepted the invitation.I rlealy wasn't impressed with Franklin Graham either. It seemed like every opportunity he got, he took it to preach the gospel. He did this in completely irrelevant contexts. I don't think he advanced the discussion at all which is sad. It was evangelical pietism at its best.TD Jakes was good too. But apparently he's a heretic. I'm not so sure about that, but anyways he's a pretty smart heretic who apparently likes return trips at buffet restaurants. Nathan thanks for the link. Hey and when is Darryl going to start posting on his blog? The Brooks
Doc, I just received
Scris de Martin pe 22-11-2015 00:51

Doc, I just received the long ateawid Leonard Sweet book, Summoned to Lead . I have only made it through the first chapter but so far I think that it is darn good. I hope to throw some thoughts out on the blog real soon. I'm anxious to hear about your current reads.
What the hell are yo
Scris de Martha pe 26-10-2015 23:18

What the hell are you going on about? The McLaren MP4 12C can go so fast around your prtety Ferraris that you won't even be able to make fun of how it looks.. [url=]brxfbtjn[/url] [link=]smqsfcglcn[/link]
Love is definitely i
Scris de Leon pe 25-10-2015 11:31

Love is definitely in the air; Kanye is her equal in terms of money, seuccss, status and love of all things medial. They are the next power couple; the next JayZ and Beyonce.
Wow what a miserable
Scris de Chocho pe 25-10-2015 03:09

Wow what a miserable human eetcixnse U hate your life so much you would actually wish the door would fall off and crush somebody just because they are perfect I. Every way that you are not Kim is fucking fabulous .keep doing your thing chick. You are one bad bitch . So many haters but hey if you don't have critics then you probably don't have success either [url=]gohewucy[/url] [link=]mcpdawkuyl[/link]
well you can't reall
Scris de Hanni pe 23-10-2015 13:59

well you can't really comrpae a monster like the Veyron to a little mosquito like the MP4 now, can we man??? looks are such a subjective thing, bound to be different through different eyes and i respect that of course! I took almost immediate offense to this McLaren, and I simply cannot agree with you about the R8, which still looks amazing to my eyes!thanks for the nice words and thanks for reading! At least we have vintage cars to agree on!
I disagree I think t
Scris de Anny pe 22-10-2015 13:20

I disagree I think the popirrtoons are exactly right and in keeping with the tradition of building the car first and styling it later it the best possible way this car could have looked.I think this shape will age a lot better than the odd but modern R8 which already starts to look very ugly and boring.And btw all of the above (a lot of numbers that don't mean anything and a really ugly shape) can be said about the Veyron you seem to admire.I really love your blog and it seems taht when it comes to old cars we have exactly the same taste but for the new ones we are worlds apart.Strange

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