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Lamborghini Murcielago SV, mai puternic decat Reventon

Scris de green pe 13-11-2007

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 1Recordurile stabilite de modelul Reventon sunt pe cale sa fie depasite de un nou Murcielago, in versiunea SV. Parametri ametitori ca 680 CP, masa redusa cu 100-130 kg, caroserie de magneziu vor face din noua varianta Murcielago liderul incontestabil al gamei.

Dupa lansarea lui Reventon la Salonul Auto de la Frankfurt cine si-ar fi imaginat ca italienii isi vor dobori atat de repede recordul? Insa e adevarat: in prezent, ei lucreaza la ea mai radicala versiune a modelului Murcielago, anume versiunea SV.

Murcielago SV va fi mai usor si mai puternic decat Reventon, avand 30 de cai putere in plus si 100-130 kg in minus. Inedit este si faptul ca intreaga putere va fi transmisa rotilor din spate, ceea ce va oferi soferului niste senzatii greu de egalat.

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5 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

Well if you think it
Scris de Kamily pe 27-11-2015 13:31

Well if you think its irresponsible,then I am going to H**.cause I had three boys,and tahugt all them to drive right at 13 years,except for the youngest and he could drive before that.Not to say I let any of them just cruise or anything,but little boys become big boys,and teaching is part of your responsibility right?Besides the bond between you! [url=]eqvzfpftbu[/url] [link=]tkszzp[/link]
I don't think you ar
Scris de Artur pe 26-11-2015 00:53

I don't think you are being an irresponsible pnraet. But, if I were you, I would not take him onto any property not belonging to you. Let him drive up and down the driveway. I drove a car when I was 12 years old, but that was 50 years ago and out in the country. I taught my kids to drive out in our pasture when they were 12-13, but we were driving pickups, not a Lamborghini or Ferrari. So I doubt you would care to have either of your cars driven across the lawn. I think you could be in for all sorts of trouble if you took a 13 year old up to someone's parking lot and let them drive around, whether you were with them or not. It is conceivable, in this day and age, you could possibly be cited for child endangerment. Best to keep the lessons on your property.
That was a mighty go
Scris de Depp pe 23-11-2015 20:04

That was a mighty good post. It also rneeidmd me that I still need to design that header for you. I still think the photo you presently have is pretty appropriate, but I think something more personally suited to you and your writing could be whipped up. I've got a few hours of work left but will get a new header off to you right after. Happy trails! [url=]casejgbxmt[/url] [link=]rvlfyrnthp[/link]
I am certain that ev
Scris de Carlos pe 22-11-2015 09:35

I am certain that every peorsn you come in contact with and every experience that you have during this adventure will make you a wiser and even better peorsn than you already are. Anxious to read and hear more soon, and to someday read the book at the end of your journaling. Love and Miss You!
reception dinner at
Scris de Pawinee pe 22-11-2015 00:34

reception dinner at a0Eastin Hotel, PJ. a0 We've knew each other at the wdiedng of Kenny & Annabellea0as she is the youngest sister of Annabelle.a0Kyetherine looked soa0stunning in her dinnera0dress

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