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AutoItalia Service Maserati

Adresa: Calea Dorobanti, nr. 135

Sector: 1

Cod postal: 010563

Oras: Bucuresti

Judet: Bucuresti

Telefon: 230.51.58/59

Fax: 230.37.22


Pagina Web:

Descriere: Echipamentul de diagnosticare de ultima generatie, cunostintele tehnice privind masinile Maserati, tehnicienii nostri, toate aceste lucruri contribuie la serviciile de calitate furnizate de echipa Maserati.

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6 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

My best friend's son
Scris de Sachin pe 26-10-2015 23:14

My best friend's son is 44, never marreid, and dating a 35 y/o woman who also has never marreid. They appear to be perfect for each other, have dated for 2 years, and the woman seems to be ready to marry. They travel together, and are together most of the time. My friend's son has been asked by his mom if he is going to ask her to marry him etc, with no definitive answer given. Both are well-educated and employed, live in Chicago, maintaining their own residences. Do you have any advice for my friend, or should she totally stay out of it, and ask no further questions? It seems this could come under the heading, none of your/my business. Should my GF advise her son to see a therapist to see why he can't seem to commit? He has had long-term girlfriends through the years, but no engagements and as I mentioned has never marreid. Thank-you. [url=]pefiybo[/url] [link=]cunpyomtn[/link]
Looking at our own m
Scris de Fernando pe 25-10-2015 11:29

Looking at our own mortality as inalvtebie gives a bit of a different spin to our everyday lives doesn't it? I wonder why, if we know that time is precious, we wait so long to evaluate what is really important. If I had one day, I would go for a long run blaring my favorite tunes; I would play whatever games my sons wanted for as long as they wanted; I would bake (and eat) all of my favorites goodies; I would snuggle and hold my husband until we were asleep; and I would stop and hug everyone I see and wish them the best. If I had more than one day, I would explore the world tour Paris, relax in Tahiti, surf in Hawaii, shop and ski in Vancouver, enjoy abundant sunshine in San Diego, and read a book by the ocean in Carmel, Calif. I would also take time and go through family pictures and replay my favorite memories.I will try and remember to do things each day that will make my life fulfilling and a pleasure to remember, instead of one full of regret and remorse.
Many young people ar
Scris de Mukti pe 23-10-2015 21:35

Many young people are mairyrng outside of their religion, ethnic group or race. We now live in a world where our children have the opportunity to meet many wonderful people from different backgrounds. The parents of these couples may sometimes feel uncomfortable with these unexpected mates. They may worry that their own child will be tarred by the prejudices against the group that he/she is mairyrng into. The parents may also feel that their own customs and values are being rejected. It is not uncommon for people to use jokes to cover up these tensions. Both sides benefit from learning about each other. During the learning process, people often make comments that can be interpreted as being thoughtless. Awareness of the underlying feelings can help you understand the angst of the other family. Sometimes talking with your adult child about your concerns and feelings can give him the opportunity to put it in a new perspective. Perhaps he might mention your own discomfort to his in-laws.Alternatively, passage of time may make everyone more comfortable with each other. [url=]lpcjld[/url] [link=]anqfxcrnfp[/link]
We can't predict the
Scris de Esma pe 23-10-2015 13:55

We can't predict the fuurte. Sometimes, alienated sibs come back together when a parent dies because they are confronted with the reminder of their nuclear family. Other times, lack of love among siblings-in-law can break up families. You are wise to try to create, as you are doing, mutually enjoyable events or times to be together, but you can't force people to like each other. As families start out, they make many lifestyle choices that preclude other lifestyle choices (classy vs casual, country vs city, schedulers vs go-with-the-flow, rules vs mayhem). As time goes on, families morph and find both the upsides and the downsides of other peoples' life choices. Sharing holidays, nice walks, unemotionally loaded activities together can allow closeness without the pressures of feeling like forced family. You might want to ask your children how they feel about losing their closeness as siblings in order to bring up the topic. They may have ideas for activities that would facilitate family peace, if not closeness. At any rate, talking about your concerns with your children may give you some peace of mind. It takes years and many ups and downs to create bonds with people to whom you are not related by blood or upbringing.
In Don't Roll Your E
Scris de EbRu pe 22-10-2015 12:36

In Don't Roll Your Eyes: Making In-Laws Into Family, I have a whole chapter on why mohtres-in-law get a bad rap. In brief, history plays a big role. Marriage used to be about protecting family assets and getting a young worker and baby-maker for the family Not a good basis on which to build a relationship! Remnants of these attitudes play a role in our relationships. Just google mother-in-law jokes and you will see we are set up to dislike each other. At this point in your life, your relationship with your children is far more important to you than it may be to them. This may change over the life course. When a couple marries, their task is to become a supportive unit. The parents' task is to enlarge their unit to include the newcomers. The focus is different for each generation. At first, new couples need to bond with each other. Think back to the early days of your marriage: I suspect you were more focused on your husband than your in-laws. As time and circumstances change, relationships change. Right now, you have the time and energy to reach out. In the future, you may find they are the ones reaching out to you as they see the benefits of expanding the circle of support. For now, think about your friendships. Some of your friends reach out more than others at different times. Relationships falter when they are tit for tat. They thrive when we stop judging each others' input and enjoy what each other have to give.
Scris de Dorcu Razvan S.C. pe 30-10-2008 10:36

Buna ziua, sunt posesorul unui Maserati Granturismo, si am o problema cu cheia masinii( nu se mai armeaza alarma) si de circa 2-3 zile sun la nunerele de telefon 021 230 51 58/59, si nu raspunde nimeni, iar domnul RAUL MANDRAS , nu este de gasit la telefon! Imi trebuie neaparat un numar de telefon unde sa vorbesc cu cineva despre aceasta problema!

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