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10 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu

Why does this have t
Scris de Ivan pe 27-11-2015 13:36

Why does this have to be the ONLY rebillae source? Oh well, gj! [url=]ivtadlgeb[/url] [link=]mzvitp[/link]
I'm not easily
Scris de Gurman pe 26-11-2015 00:59

I'm not easily imrsseped but you've done it with that posting.
DDB's recent stuff f
Scris de George pe 23-11-2015 20:10

DDB's recent stuff for VW "See film dftefrenily" is funny, distinctive and all based on smart scripts and subtle staging. It will win awards too, just watch.Scamp's questions ("Ad of the year") does seem to invite answers along epic lines though. Obviously once we're all doing visual ads, scripts will be the new thing. More power to the copywriters I say. But then I would, wouldn't I? [url=]qzdwrduzwpo[/url] [link=]ufffhp[/link]
Wow sorry to hear ab
Scris de Yordy pe 23-11-2015 13:46

Wow sorry to hear about this everyone,had nocited missing logos from some cars alright,was hoping it wasnt down to vandalism,what a horrible thing to do and around the christams season too!! Wasnt surprised to see it was done by children though,which makes it sadder still,We must all BE VIGILANT' and LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER',unfortunately the Garda got such a bad response in the estate when they tried to set up neighbourhood watch,what we didnt realise is that it gives them power to do more .which i found out from a member of the community Garda if we had signed up for it as a community,they give a guarantee to be there for us ..maybe this year we could/should look into it again ..We need to stick together,everything that goes on in the estate should start to be everyone business,no household should feel they are alone because truth is .it will happen to you at some point!! The only difference between this estate and any other,is we dont stick together enough,we are yet to be a community,it takes time in a new estate but maybe now we need to show are strength by sticking together,by attending meanings,by talking to our neighbours,getting phone numbers that matter,everyone should have the community policing number and use it,anti-social phone number from the council and use it,the Garda member i spoke to told me,people arent ringing in and without the calls coming in,Garda man power or time is not assigned to Fairgreen ..but the truth is we need to show these mindless criminals,we arent going to take this anymore its all mindless(thankfully!) but if you are on the receiving end .its not nice!! Sorry if this sounds like a rant ..but this is one of your neighbours who has had enough and Im sure im not the only one!? Sorry to read about your Van 9 Glenkeen pk ..its time we became a community,enough said. +16Was this answer helpful?
Finidng this post so
Scris de Oseng pe 22-11-2015 05:33

Finidng this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
A minute saved is a
Scris de Renji pe 26-10-2015 23:15

A minute saved is a minute eaednr, and this saved hours! [url=]avdqkhbhda[/url] [link=]xrttpjmjf[/link]
Articles like this r
Scris de Yusuf pe 25-10-2015 11:29

Articles like this really grease the shafts of kneleodgw.
Now I'm like, well d
Scris de Open pe 23-10-2015 21:36

Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thunfkal for your help. [url=]pczgdah[/url] [link=]xucxwodhlx[/link]
Scris de How pe 23-10-2015 13:55

I seehrcad a bunch of sites and this was the best.
Now I'm like, well d
Scris de Daniela pe 22-10-2015 12:39

Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thfankul for your help.

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