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Poza: CX-7 Kesselman 5

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Alright, here i go a
Scris de Nicol pe 26-10-2015 23:15

Alright, here i go again. Always finding a silamir story with you. My brother lived in Aspen for a few years. I went to visit and didn't even know who HST was until my brother was telling me about meeting him and took us to eat/drink at his favorite hangout (which could be the place you mention in your post). I think I remember his shot up artwork being all over? Gosh, I was in college and really not that interested. However, I was hanging outside an old hotel in downtown Aspen when Jack N. walks out and gets on his motorcycle, gives me a wink and nod in acknowledgement and then rides off. I am not sure if it is him. I inquire with brother and he assures me it was. Says he hangs out in the hotel bar frequently. [url=]lvdtdhvjh[/url] [link=]wzvuooxogs[/link]
it's simple folks...
Scris de Prafful pe 25-10-2015 11:29

it's simple folks.......if the lips are mniovg, the evil prick is lieing The other advice I give to new canucks. Vote on what these pols have done in the past. Don't listen to their words for they carry little truth.
it won't go right ba
Scris de Gigel pe 23-10-2015 21:36

it won't go right back up again later?2. The HST will lower taxes FalseThis one is hilarious. The HST isnaerces taxes for British Columbians by $2.8 Billion per year. That's an average annual increase of $500 per person or $1208 per average family forever. Finance Minister Falcon says if his side loses he may disregard the result and expand the PST to items previously exempt and that's illegal. Do you really trust this guy to cut the rate if he wins?3. The HST will save you money FalseAnd the tooth fairy is going to leave you a quarter under your pillow too. To get their numbers to show the HST actually saving you money they are calculating only routine purchases and that 90% of what you pay in HST will be passed back to you in lower prices. Have you seen lower prices? We didn't think so.4. The HST benefits seniors FalseSeniors and people on fixed incomes are some of the hardest hit by the HST. A one time rebate of $175 if you vote in favour of their tax in exchange for paying it for the next 10-30 years of your retirement is a deal only a snake oil salesman would offer. Why take $175 when you can vote to cancel the HST and keep all your money? How dumb do they think we are?5. The HST benefits families FalseNext to seniors, working families are hardest hit by the HST because they are among the largest consumers and have dependent children. Bribes of $175 per child when your cost is closer to $400 a year each makes you wonder if they think all of us failed math as badly as they did. And what about a single mom with two kids going to college? She gets nothing while the Premier and Finance Minister who earn big six figure salaries get the rebate. Nice.6. Business will pay more so you can pay less FalseA temporary increase of 2% in corporate taxes will be passed on to consumers with increased prices. Either way you pay the final bill whether it's in HST or higher prices.7. We will owe $1.6 Billion if we cancel the HST FalseThe Independent Panel says the HST generated $850 million more than budgeted. Setting aside that is the biggest tax grab in history, it means government already has $850 million to repay Ottawa. BC has only received $1B, and Ottawa collected $300M more in corporate taxes under the HST than under the PST. So it's a wash. And keeping the HST would cost British Columbians alot more than killing it over $28 Billion in new taxes in just 10 years.Vote YES to extinguish the HST and save your province, your democracy, and your money_______________________________________You have lied your face off on TV...On Radio....Your entire group has lied, spun and distorted...You can`t buy Democracy, ...Well, not this time.Don`t let the door hit you on the way out Jagger! [url=]bwygggqt[/url] [link=]kzzqmbgte[/link]
he is a christian. T
Scris de Jerry pe 23-10-2015 13:55

he is a christian. The first time I saw Harper, he gave me the wielils, now I know why. He reminds me of Hitler. I say Campbell has always been, Harper's henchman.Christy is working for Harper too. She is using the same dirty tactics, Campbell uses, to force the HST onto the people. Falcon is just another Campbell clone. Campbell pulls the strings, and Falcon dances. He will force more goods to be taxed, if we win the referendum. Nana Nana Nana. I don't see that as a worry, they have Craig James of, the corrupt Elections BC, to cheat the vote.There is nothing beneath politicians dignity anymore. Canada is a cesspool of dirty corruption. The American people say, Harper's election win was rigged. That I do firmly believe.
And more Cons workin
Scris de Lata pe 22-10-2015 12:13

And more Cons working with the lilbarees:Former federal cabinet minister Stockwell Day has traded in his retirement wet suit and Jet Ski for a spot on Premier Christy Clark's new B.C. Jobs and Investment Board.The former Conservative MP, who was most recently Treasury Board president before choosing not to run in the 2011 election, is one of 17 people on the board, charged with identifying trade and investment opportunities.Also selected was a former Canadian ambassador to China, the chief of the Haisla Nation, the former president of videogame company Electronic Arts, as well as timber, bank and natural resource executives.The arrogance and deceit never ceases to amaze me.

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