Volvo S60 Concept: economie, ecologie, siguranta
Scris de green pe 16-12-2008
Volvo pregateste pentru 2010 o noua generatie a sedanului S60, pe care o anticipeaza acest concept. Este vorba despre un prototip omonim ce se va prezenta publicului in ianuarie, la Detroit. Pana atunci, avem imagini, informatii si un spot video.
Designul conceptului S60 urmeaza aceleasi principii ca in cazul popularului XC60: linii agresive combinate cu fluiditatea unui coupe. Designerii au mai spus ca designul este inspirat din coastele suedeze, in timp ce interiorul a primit o nota futurista.
 Un tuseu inedit pentru interior este consola din cristal ce uneste, ca o punte, locurile din fata cu cele din spate. Conform declaratiilor oficiale, cristalul este un material pe care Volvo il va folosi in viitor pentru interioarele modelelor.
Conceptul este echipat cu un motor pe benzina de 1,6 litri turboalimentat cu injectie directa, ce genereaza 180 de cai putere. Atat economic cat si ecologic, acest motor consuma 5 litri de combustibil si emite 119 g CO2 la 100 km parcursi.
Conceptul are si menirea de a prezenta ultimele tehnologii Volvo in materie de siguranta: vedetele vor fi sistemul de detectare a pietonilor si franarea automata in cazul unei coliziuni iminente.
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6 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu
Can anyone tell me h Scris de Ruud pe 26-10-2015 23:17
Can anyone tell me how to maanully close the sunroof on my 96 850t wagon it stuck open. the motor tries to close it,but stops.I took the cover off the motor,but don't see any place to crank it.Do I need to unbolt the motor.? [url=]vehfxntiffh[/url] [link=]qwfwdbgoq[/link]
The engine fan on my Scris de Deepa pe 25-10-2015 11:31
The engine fan on my S80 T6 comes on svareel minutes after I turn engine off and stays on for a long time. I found it on about 30 minutes after I left the cat because I had to go out again. When you start car it turns off.
Our 1996 850 GLT non Scris de Josef pe 25-10-2015 03:08
Our 1996 850 GLT non turbo sedan (Sweet Roll) has split its Drivers' side CV joints' rebbur boot. Is this a common problem for a Volvo of this age? When replacing this outer (the one closest to the wheel) rebbur joint should the inner boot (closest to the engine) be replaced also?Thanks,Aduzi [url=]yqcqykz[/url] [link=]fqzdhdx[/link]
I have a 1999 volvo Scris de Chony pe 23-10-2015 13:58
I have a 1999 volvo S80 T6, It stalls and hstaeite when i accelerate, I have changed the Turbo control valve and the booster pressure sensor as recommended, no code or check engine light come on, condition improves but it still hstaeite a little, i am frustrated, my wallet is empty after going through a lot of fixes, I need help, what else can i do, please advice.Thanks.
2002 S60 was jump st Scris de Juan pe 22-10-2015 12:40
2002 S60 was jump started after baretty went completely dead in the middle of the day. Motor club was called and they jump started it, car was then driven to a shop that installed a new baretty and new Volvo $600.00 alternator. Car owner immediatley notices instrument cluster time/temperature/gear position indicator do not light up.I've read that early 90 s BMW entire electric dash would burn out when jump starting because of voltage spikes incurred during the jump process. Is it possible to burn out only a portion on this Volvo dash during the jump start effort? (Electric/digital odometer in the MPH guage functions as do the the other digital readouts within the whole cluster).Thank You.
s60 Scris de Anonimus Prigoana pe 24-01-2009 01:01
se vede influenta celor de la ford. seamana prea mult cu mondeo. interiorul va fi mult mai slab calitativ si ca dotari comparativ cu modelul concept. mare pacat de volvo. era singura masina care exista pt mine. o urare pt viitor adresata celor de la volvo: masturbari lungi si dese
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