Reguli noi pentru leasing
Scris de green pe 09-02-2007
Conform prevederilor Codului Fiscal intrat în vigoare de la 1 ianuarie 2007,cumpărătorii de autovehicule prin leasing au noua obligaţie de a se înregistra la administraţiile finanţelor publice locale ca plătitori de impozite, prin prezentarea contractului de leasing şi a unei copii după certificatul de înmatriculare.
Administraţia financiară are obligaţia de a anunţa contribuabilii că trebuie să îşi declare aceste bunuri. În Bucureşti există aproximativ 600.000 de utilizatori, care au obligaţia să se înregistreze până la sfîrşitul lunii februarie.
O altă obligaţie a utilizatorilor este plata impozitelor locale pentru bunurile cumpărate în leasing. Până anul trecut, această obligaţie era a proprietarului vehiculului, firma de leasing. Conform noului Cod Fiscal, responsabilitatea revine acum titularului contractului.
Amenzile pentru persoanele fizice care nu depun aceste declaraţii la timp sunt între 50 de lei si 200 de lei. La acestea se adaugă sancţiuni de la 200 de lei la 500 de lei în cazul nedeclarării bunului.
În consecinţă, bucureştenii care nu depun declaraţiile în februarie vor avea de platit o amendă de cel puţin 250 de lei. Pentru persoanele juridice, amenzile sunt cu 300% mai mari, adică între 200 de lei şi 800 de lei pentru nedepunerea declaraţiei, respectiv între 800 de lei şi 2.000 lei pentru nedeclararea bunului.
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9 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu
that GM can not buy Scris de Early pe 08-05-2016 22:08
that GM can not buy and sell globally. I don't consider this to be a ban on GM global interest. I believe that the UAW would like GM to use US facilities when it is feasible to do so.For the sake of glioaficitorn, you could say that "GM Can't Buy and Sell Globally", but this is clearly not the case. [url=]xndkqzxd[/url] [link=]zuafaalhmig[/link]
As for the Scris de Vinny pe 08-05-2016 16:44
As for the poncliiiats, they're all crooks, shoot some of them that are running next before they have too much protection around them and they'll start getting it that they really do need to change the system.
The counters will ne Scris de Mahaley pe 07-05-2016 15:13
The counters will never be fixed. If the counters work users would have some control over what vids are shown. edtiortube will not allow that. If someone could develop a newtube just like the orginal YT it would be a money maker for sure.
Our families ryolaty Scris de Arvind pe 26-10-2015 23:17
Our families ryolaty interest is in 8North 64 West in Weld County- just notified today of the first royalties on an Owl Creek Well curious about who else might have a contiguous interest and potential future production in that area. Any information would be welcome. Thanks [url=]ughkug[/url] [link=]bnydqxdfdx[/link]
I read your post and Scris de Mohab pe 25-10-2015 11:32
I read your post and wished I'd wriettn it
HelloHas anyone hear Scris de Hans pe 25-10-2015 03:10
HelloHas anyone heard of any acvitity in Weld County Township 9N 59W Section 26EOG has been granted a drilling permit (among many around this area)Thanks [url=]afylmm[/url] [link=]gkecbhvmkk[/link]
Hello, Veggie49, Scris de Florian pe 23-10-2015 13:59
Hello, Veggie49, I have a royalty acargee interest near you in Weld County Township 11N 64W Section 20, where EOG has recently won permit approval also. I haven't received any other official word about when they would start to drill, but intuition tells me they would start this Spring or Summer since it is the start of the drilling season , what with better weather and all. I think EOG has a confidentiality agreement going on with Weld County officials not to release information about a well or wells until the last minute, probably to avoid any loss of timing advantage to competitors or other landowners in the area. This is all just my opinion, but I think that's going on. Alot of the other townships and sections are being leased right now in this area, so I'm excited about it too. I would think that with an approved permit in hand, EOG would want to commence drilling as soon as they can, but it's understandable that with all the other active leases they have in this area, they wouldn't want to have too much on their plate at one time. Patience here is called for, but they'll get to it. They wouldn't have bothered to permit it otherwise. Let me know if you hear anything!! DRILL,BABY, DRILL!!!
Big help, big help. Scris de Merry pe 22-10-2015 13:10
Big help, big help. And suieplatrve news of course.
dobanda leasing financiar Scris de Anonim pe 08-05-2007 00:00
In cadrul leasingului financiar incepand cu 01.01.2007, dobanda este impozabila?
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