Se relaxeaza si finantarile in leasing
Scris de green pe 20-11-2007
Perioada medie de acordare a finantarilor a crescut de la 3 la 5 ani, iar companiile de specialitate accepta acum cele mai variate forme de obtinere a veniturilor.
Piata romaneasca de leasing a crescut exponential in ultimii ani. Si in 2007 avansul finantarilor a fost semnificativ, bazindu-se pe o schimbare a conditiilor de leasing asemanatoare pe undeva cu relaxarea creditului bancar. Pe linga aceasta, avind in vedere ca marile companii de leasing din Romania apartin bancilor, acestea din urma au avut un rol substantial in oferirea suportului logistic, dar si in finantarea firmelor de leasing.
In prezent, perioada de timp pentru finantare s-a majorat considerabil, de la 3 ani in medie la 5 si chiar pina la 10 ani, potrivit portalului financiar . Dobinzile au scazut destul de mult, cu aproximativ 2%, numai in ultimul an. Dobinda medie pentru un leasing auto in euro este in prezent de 7,00%, insa sint disponibile si oferte cu 5,9% dobinda, concurind serios cu dobinzile practicate de banci. Pentru un leasing auto in lei, o dobinda medie este de 7,9%, cea mai mica dobinda fiind in prezent de 6,68% (BT Leasing). Pentru monede precum dolarul sau francul elvetian, companiile de leasing nu se inghesuie sa defineasca produse.
Avansul solicitat variaza de la 20% la 0% pentru ofertele dedicate persoanelor fizice si persoanelor fizice autorizate, in sensul ca daca in urma cu citeva luni societatile de leasing tineau ca aplicantul sa suporte minimum 20% din valoarea facturii masinii, in prezent tot mai multe companii au renuntat definitiv la avans, finantind 100% valoarea masinii.
Conditiile de acordare a finantarii, mult mai permisive atit pentru persoane fizice, cit si pentru persoane juridice, dar si pe fondul cresterii veniturilor populatiei si profiturilor companiilor, au atras foarte multi clienti in ultimul an. Virsta si vechimea in munca ale unui aplicant persoana fizica nu mai sint probleme de nerezolvat, oricine demonstreaza ca obtine venituri la momentul depunerii cererii de finantare putind primi aprobarea pentru o suma adaptata nivelului veniturilor.
In statisticile Asociatiei de Leasing si Servicii Financiare Nebancare se observa o saturatie pe segmentul leasingului financiar destinat achizitiei de masini. Dupa ce in 2003 a atins o cota maxima de 88%, in 2006 prezinta numai 64% din totalul finantarilor in vederea achizitiei unei masini.
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Es piedāvāt lētāko aizdevumu nopietniem cilvēkiem Scris de gilbert gonzales pe 28-05-2017 16:25
Es piedāvāt lētāko aizdevumu nopietniem cilvēkiem 3% likmi. Vai jums ir nepieciešams finansējums, lai izveidotu savu uzņēmumu? Vai jums ir nepieciešams finansējums, lai paplašinātu jums biznesu? Vai jums ir nepieciešams personas aizdevumu? Mans aizdevumu svārstās no personīgās uzņēmējdarbības aizdevumu. Mans procentu likme ir ļoti pieņemamām cenām, un mūsu aizdevums process ir ļoti ātri, kā labi. Es esmu ļoti gatavs darīt visu savu finanšu nepatikšanas pagātnei. Sazinieties ar mani, lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas
Gilbert Gonzales
Nosūtīt savu atbildi
Ny pitäisi toteutta Scris de Makendra pe 09-05-2016 04:48
Ny pitäisi toteuttaa Hehkulamput takaisin marssi turun torille!Tarkoitan tätä oikeasti, koska tämä yksittäinen esimerkki kertoo hyvin haolennvalisestijokaisille suomalaiselle, miten typeriin ja vahingollisiin asioihin me suomalaiset joudumme EU:ssa sitoutumaan.T:Reilu-Erkki
Ola…….te Scris de Emmly pe 07-05-2016 15:54
Ola…….tenho Hene no meu cabelo gostaria de saber se eu passar o shampoo anti residuo…….vou tirar o He&in……?#8230;poes ele acabou com o meu Cabelo……..e não estou satisfeita com o resultado.Gostaria de Saber se posso usar o shampoo Obrigada mande noticia pelo meu e-mail
I will say:1. It rea Scris de Jelena pe 26-10-2015 23:18
I will say:1. It really denepds on the policy of leasing offices. Different offices have the different policy.2. After the contract, you can negotiate your contract with leasing offices.But be attention to my post:If you don't fufill the terms and conditions of your 6-month contract when you get laid off, what would you do? :) [url=]qjjnhitsnab[/url] [link=]dcsaoemwl[/link]
Irene, Why do you wa Scris de Torrie pe 25-10-2015 11:32
Irene, Why do you want to live there? Is it because of your work? II think Bellevue dowtnown is a very good area.KK, Why does your attorney say it is possible to get rejected for your H1B renewal? When did you submit your H1B renewal? It usually takes 3-4 months to get the final result unless you use premium processing. During this time, you can think of another immigration status if you really get rejected. No Chinese keyboard.
I had living in the Scris de Rubens pe 25-10-2015 03:09
I had living in the USA for alosmt 20 years and had rent many differnt apartments from many different cities in the USA. My experience was that every time when the leasing contract was going to expire, the leasing office would offer different leasing lengh contracts for tenants to choose, including the month by month one. Of course, the month-by-month will be siginificantly higher than the 12 month lease. For example, a 2 bed room, if rented month-by-month, will cost $1,800 while the 12 month contract will be $1,300. It is no wonder why we will choose the 12 month, but still, if you want the 1 monht, you can get it without any problem. This is my 2 cents. [url=]cclifuzgfgu[/url] [link=]jzhnrai[/link]
Gill, Do you live in Scris de George pe 23-10-2015 13:59
Gill, Do you live in the USA? If you want to rent out your house, you can ask real estate agtens to help you definitely. But for the apartments, leasing offices will take care of everything. Why do Leasing offices need real estate agent? I would like to say that Kenny is right, yours is just an ideal theory. It is common to see a 6-month new contract coming in the apartments. There is no negotiation in most apartments. If you want to rent out your house, people can negotiate with you too. For those people with low credit score, leasing offices will reject their application.
Aytoi panta itan kom Scris de Lucas pe 22-10-2015 13:38
Aytoi panta itan komparsoi. Sto peiihtorro.Auti i hora den eftase se auto to hali kai katantima epeidi ehei i den ehei orykto plouto tourismo i biomichania.Den eftase kan se auto to halio epeidi stelehothike apo ton ergasiako katima.Eftase giati tis dynameis pou EHEI oudepote tis axiopoiise. Tis afise sto peiihtorro. Kai afise na tin kyvernoun atoma komplexika, me filodoxies kai nevroseis, me alyta yparxiaka provlimata, mw imimatheia kai poniria.Afti einai i Ellada. Alitheia einai pos teleionei... Alla den prokeitai na xanagenithei apo tis stahtes tis. (YG Grafo Greeklish giati kolise to pliktrologio)
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