BMW a produs la Leipzig automobilul 1.500.000
Scris de Razvan Filip Dumitru pe 27-10-2014
 De pe linia de asamblare a uzinei BMW din Leipzig a ieşit automobilul BMW cu numărul 1,5 milioane, un model BMW Seria 2 Active Tourer de culoare Alpine White. Dr. Milan Nedeljkovic, directorul uzinei BMW din Leipzig, s-a declarat onorat de această performanţă a angajaţilor. "Sunt foarte mândru de echipa noastră. După aproape zece ani de la deschiderea fabricii ne putem lăuda cu producţia a 1,5 milioane de automobile. Suntem bine poziţionaţi şi pentru ca va fi în viitor, astfel încât, împreună cu angajaţii noştri, să continuăm povestea de succes a uzinei din Leipzig."
Automobilul aniversare a fost livrat unui client din landul Baden-Württemberg. De la începutul lunii iulie, BMW Seria 2 Active Tourer este produs exclusiv la uzina BMW din Leipzig pentru piaţa mondială. La finalul lunii septembrie, noul model şi-a făcut debutul oficial pe piaţa din Europa.
Per total, volumul zilnic de producţie a uzinei din Leipzig este de aproximativ 750 de automobile. Pe lângă BMW Seria 2 Active Tourer, tot aici sunt fabricate BMW Seria 2 Coupé, BMW X1 şi versiunea cu cinci uşi a modelului BMW Seria 1. În septembrie 2013 a început şi producţie automobilului electric BMW i3. În mai 2014 a urmat producţia de serie pentru BMW i8, un automobil sport cu propulsie hybrid plug-in. Jens Kohler, preşedintele Consiliului Angajaţilor din Leipzig, a apreciat în mod special perspectivele foarte bune ale uzinei: "Mă bucur că datorită numărului tot mai mare de angajaţi uzina din Leipzig poate produce automobile de avangardă".
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5 comentarii. Posteaza un comentariu
You actually make it Scris de Guillermo pe 26-10-2015 23:14
You actually make it seem so easy with your prtientaeson however I in finding this topic to be actually one thing which I believe I'd never understand. It sort of feels too complicated and very extensive for me. I am looking forward for your subsequent submit, I will try to get the hang of it! [url=]wdcegvp[/url] [link=]pvxgydjblcs[/link]
im also laughing my Scris de Shah pe 25-10-2015 11:29
im also laughing my ass off too I didnt know know eannirg $1200 after taxes A WEEK was a bad thing and I HAVE NO DEPT unlike the 95% of college kids who take loans up the ass for their tuition,LOL LEASED CARS OF THE DEALERSHIP AND OTHER POINTLESS THINGS. Ill be happy with my little old hs diploma and my 04 Acura TSX WHICH I PAID IN FULL AND IS MY CAR NOT THE BANKS =)
what do you mean?? I Scris de Aan pe 23-10-2015 21:35
what do you mean?? If it's German of course its the best! Everyone knows that German cars are the best! And if you dont beileve it that just means your totally jealous! Or would you rather take your crappy Toyota/Lexus? [url=]aazuhwh[/url] [link=]srylaf[/link]
I Scris de Kroekphon pe 23-10-2015 13:55
I repesct Roadfly a lot. I repesct BMW a lot. I understand, but do not accept as uniform in the industry, the SAV acronym. And I do not accept Roadfly's acceptance of the SAV moniker in its reviews; it makes me think they have blindly accepted other assertions by BMW when Roadfly won't reject as silly the SAV moniker. In this review, the reviewer discusses the impressive performance for an SAV that weighs nearly 5,000 pounds. There are cross-overs and there are SUVs in the industry. Not SAVs.
totallylost / Ki Scris de Marto pe 22-10-2015 12:03
totallylost / Kim, the answer to your qutieson has to come your insurance agent, because different companies have different rules. Some companies have very strict rules, who ever the car is titled to has to have the insurance in their name. You can add your father on the title along with you, and that will solve that problem. Then some companies, it doesn't matter who's own the car, as long as they are living under the same roof. To make sure you don't run into any problems, call the agent, and they will be glad to tell you whether the title also should include your Dad. Congratulations on the new car, and please be careful! God blesses us all
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